
Second weekend in Oxford

This is my second weekend in Oxford. I enjoyed it very much!! On friday, I had a formal dinner in my college with some Japanese students who are visiting my college for summer school. They are from Keio University, which is very famous in Japan. The dinner was so nice, since we have a famous sheff for cook:) After dinner, I went to Tarftevern(?) to have fun with my friends, of course they are students in our pre-sessional course. There, I discussed the relationship between China and Japan with my Chinese frined. I hope our discussion will be our treasure to make our diplomatic relation better. And finally, we went to "Que Pasa?", a spain bar in Oxford. We enjoyed dacing until 2 am!! So sleepy but had a lot of fun. I luv dancing very much!

Yesterday, we went to outlet and enjoyed shopping.
And today, I just stayed at home, but could finished reading a book written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez who was awarded a noble prize for litarature. The title was "Memories of My Melancholy Whores". It was so deep and I could imagin the atmosphere written in the book very well. I would like to try another works of his. Also, I enjoyed talking with my boyfriend in messenger. It had not talk with him since 2 weeks, when I arrived here.

Now, I am wrinting this article with listening to music. I love classical music since I play the violin. The music which I am listening to now is composed by Brahms and the title is "Tragedic Ouverture" I played this a year ago, when I was in an university orchestra club in Tokyo. It brings me back memory of pleasure to play the violin. I luv playing it. I would like to join an orchestra in Oxford, but it might be very had for me. 'Cause when i start violin, I always concentrate on music(not studying!!) I must study in oxford,
so maybe i won't join an orchestra:(

See you soon!!


Bank Holliday


this is azusa from japan.

i'm gonna study in Oxford as a visiting student from University of Tokyo.

today, we had no classes as it is bank holliday today.
I stayed whole day in my room:(
But I could read books! They were very useful for studying English.
Those books I read today were " Irrational Exuberance" and "Memories of my melancholy whores"
The first one was written by Robert Shiller who is a famous economic professor in Yale University. The book is about "irrational exuberance" which was said by Greenspan, foward FRB president. That words mean bubble economy, like why bubbles are frequent in stock markets rather than mortgage markets.
And the another one is written by Gabrie Garcia Marquez, who was awarded with the Nobel Prize.

Tomorrow, we have classes of Pre-Sessional course, which is English course for foreign students.
Wow, I have to practice my presentation about globalization too!!

OK, good night.